i4.0 Connect Forum Event

Budapest 2019

Thank you to all who attended the i40 Connect Forum Budapest 2019.
We look forward to seeing you at the next event.

SPEAKER | Michael Ford

TITLE | Critical Enablers For Inclusive, Sustainable Industry 4.0

SPEAKER | Dr. András Pfeiffer and Peter Perecz

TITLE | Industrial digitalisation

SPEAKER | Marc Peo

TITLE | CFX–Reflow Soldering: Discussion of the IPC CFX Standard as it relates to Reflow ovens.

SPEAKER | Russell Byrne

TITLE | The vision: Industry 4.0 , and what is expected of OEM Capital Equipment Manufacturers.

SPEAKER | Jaroslav Neuhauser

TITLE | Saki’s Total Smart Factory Inspection Solution

SPEAKER | Keith Bryant

TITLE | Industry 4.0 For Inspection


SPEAKER | Gábor Tóvaj

TITLE | How much AOI data needed for smart factory?

SPEAKER | István Balázs

TITLE | Smart Robot Solutions


SPEAKER | Terry Morgan

TITLE | Connected Material Logistics Solutions

SPEAKER | Mert Okumus

TITLE | Empowering manufacturing through collaborative robots